Governing Equations for Deterministic Process Model Continued PARAMETER ESTIMATION AND MODELING OF SPIRAL-WOUND: Governing Equations for Deterministic Process Model Continued Governing Equations for Deterministic Process Model Continued
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Governing Equations for Deterministic Process Model Continued

(B) Water and Solute Transport
A phenomenological Spiegler and Kedem model was used to predict water and solute transport as follows (Spiegler and Kedem, 1966):
Jv(i,j) = A{[Pb(i,j) – Pp(i,j)] – σ α φ(i,j) [Cb(i,j)-Cp(i,j)] (3)
where Jv = volumetric water flux [m3/m2•s; LT-1]; A = hydraulic transport parameter [m/(Pa•s); M1L2T]; B = solute transport parameter [m/s; LT-1]; σ = reflection coefficient which indicates the degree of water/solute coupling [dimensionless]; P = hydraulic pressure [Pa; ML-1T-2]; C = superficial aqueous-phase solute concentration which is assumed to be in equilibrium with concentration of solute in the membrane phase [mol/m3; ML-3]; i = index number along x axis; j = index number along y axis; φ = concentration polarization; α=osmotic pressure proportionality=2RT.


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